Daniela Jaramillo-Dent, Ph.D.

Senior Research and Teaching Associate


Daniela Jaramillo -Dent is an internet scholar with research and teaching expertise in the fields of digital media, migration, identity, culture and social justice. Her research has explored algorithmic (in)visibility, minority representation and inequality in digital platforms. She has contributed and held leadership roles in research projects at the local, national and European levels. Daniela has international teaching experience in fields related to digital inequality, research methods and media literacy and has led teaching innovation projects and training workshops for innovative teaching in Higher Education. She has received awards at the local and European levels for her research on minority creators and content creation practices on Instagram and TikTok. She is a Key Regional Leader of the TikTok Cultures Research Network and she is part of FemLab (Feminist Approaches to Labour Collectives). 


UNHCR Digital Leisure

Prioritizing digital leisure in refugee contexts

The Media Competence of Instatubers

Instagramers and youtubers for the transmedia empowerment of Andalusian citizens.

Media in Action

Media in Action is a project in educator training in media literacy and storytelling.


Digital Ethnography (MA)

University of Huelva

Qualitative content analysis, the walkthrough method, fieldnote taking and issues of positionality, reflexivity.

Digital Content Creation (MA)

University of Huelva and International University of Andalusia

Social media formats and configurations, memes, social media languages and visibility.

Social media for higher education

UTPL (Ecuador)

Integration of social media languages and formats in higher education.

Research Seminar: Cultural Identities and New Media (Guest Lecture)

Erasmus University Rotterdam

Discussed the study of culture on social media. Discussed methodological and theoretical issues with identifying and studying cultural issues on social media (immigrant creators on TikTok and Instagram)

Research seminar: Media and Migration (guest lecture)

Erasmus University Rotterdam

Discussed my research on immigrant tiktokers and instagrammers discussing immigration, provided methodological and analytical insights and approaches.

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#En Red

Interview about R+D projects on Yougrammers and Instatubers

Huelva Información

Interview about our book and MiriadaX MOOC


Interview on RTVE about our Book Instagramming


Daniela Jaramillo-Dent, PhD

Senior Research and Teaching Associate


Department of Media and Communication Research

University of Zurich

Andreasstrasse 15
Room number: AND 3.40
8050 Zurich


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